Jonathan Larholt BSc(Hons) FRCPodS Consultant Podiatric Surgeon (bunions, foot pain, etc.)
I am a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon specialising in the non-surgical and surgical management of foot and ankle problems. Common foot problems include bunions (hallux valgus), arthritic big toe joints (hallux limitus), ball of the foot pain (metatarsalgia), neuromas, midfoot pain, Achilles tendinopathy and many other conditions.
For more information on conditions managed please refer to the foot and ankle tab and for a more detailed description of the reviews please click on the Doctify link above.
I work at The New Victoria Hospital in Kingston, Phoenix Hospital Group at No.9 Harley Street, and OSD healthcare in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.
I was awarded my Fellowship of the Royal College of Podiatric Surgeons (FRCPodS) in 2001 and obtained my Certificate of Completion of Specialist Podiatric Training (CCPST) in 2006. I hold the post of Consultant Podiatric Surgeon with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
I work closely with several musculoskeletal specialities and have over twenty years of experience managing foot and ankle pathology. I believe in involving you, the patient, in each step of the consultation and decision-making process so that treatment is not just effective, but it is tailored to your social and work needs.
I perform a range of foot and ankle surgery all of which is audited through the national podiatric audit tool PASCOM. I am a surgical tutor and regularly present at both regional deanery meetings and national conferences.